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You're viewing Virtua Fighter 2 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Virtua Fighter 2
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2006-09-18 23:46:11
Views : 24497

Hidden options
Enter the options screen,then highlight the ''Exit'' selection, and tap Left until the hidden options are displayed

Extra Character Selection Time
Press Down, Up, Right, and A + Left at the Character Selection Screen for 99 seconds of time.

No Damage
Hold B while highlighting player 1's life selection at the Options screen, until the message ''No Damage'' appears. Then press Start.

Different Costumes
To play in a character's different costumes, Hold UP and then select your character with the A button or C button. or Hold DOWN and select your character with the A button or C button or Start button.

Play as Dural
Just highlight Akira if using controller one or Jacky if using controller two. Then press Left and then Right on the D-Pad. Repeat this a few times and Dural should then appear as a selectable character. Now you can use him as your character in the game!

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